
Full Stack Web Developer

Portrait of Tyler

Who am I?

A full stack web developer, experienced in React, Node, Mongo, Javascript, jQuery, HTML, and CSS (with an electric drive to learn new technology).

The magic is in the details.

I also make music.

Check out my work.

My Portfolio


Inspiry App writing and dashboard pages
Inspiry is a fun way to end writers block by free writing, packaged as a frontend React application with a Node backend and a Mongo database. Kill some time, get out of your head, and share your creations with friends and the world.

Destination Diary

Destination Diary homepage
Destination Diary is a personal travel book web app that allows users to track travel goals and publish photos of completed journeys as destination photo galleries to the homepage, built in Express on Node with a Mongo database and images published to an AWS S3 bucket.


RhymeQuote homepage
Rhymequote is an original mashup idea created using a database from The Web Miner turned into a simple PHP API, and the Rhymebrain.com database API , coded with jQuery and stylized with Materialize.css.


Choco Scriptify Screenshot
Choco-Scriptify is an original Javascript web app to create a Chocolatey installer script from a group of selected packages.

Tyler Justyn Music

Tyler’s Music Website homepage
Self hosted/maintained Wordpress website utilizing the Layouts theme with custom CSS and several Wordpress modules to aggregate content from social media.